Thanks to both of you.

That SIMP_CONV indeed works: (it also explains why just using bool_ss doesn't 

> SIMP_CONV (bool_ss ++ boolSimps.CONJ_ss) [] ``(q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q``;
val it = |- (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q <=> x /\ p /\ ~q: thm

But now I realized that, what I'm looking for is actually a conversion to DNF 
forms with possible simplifications. The normalForms.DNF_CONV (in src/metis, by 
Joe Hurd) did this work perfectly: (by using the CONTRACT_CONV in the same lib)

> normalForms.DNF_CONV ``(q ∨ p ∧ x) ∧ p ∧ ¬q``;
val it = |- (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q <=> x /\ p /\ p /\ ~q: thm

while refuteLib.DNF_CONV doesn't do any simplification:

> refuteLib.DNF_CONV ``(q ∨ p ∧ x) ∧ p ∧ ¬q``;
val it = |- (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q <=> q /\ p /\ ~q \/ p /\ x /\ p /\ ~q: thm

P. S. "src/metis/normalForms.sml" is currently broken due to the "tight 
equality" changes. To reproduce my above demos, you need to (temporarily) put a

        val _ = ParseExtras.temp_loose_equality()

at the beginning of that file. I'm preparing a PR to fix this issue.


Chun Tian

Il 01/10/19 10:42, Thomas Sewell ha scritto:
> Try this:
> SIMP_CONV (bool_ss ++ boolSimps.CONJ_ss) [] `` (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q  ``;
> That CONJ_ss just adds a congruence rule that uses each side of a conjunction 
> to simplify the other.
> I found it by investigating bossLib.csimp, which you might also want to know 
> about.
> Once upon a time in Isabelle I had a problem with such congruences, since 
> they might locally add rewrites which might be looping or inefficient. Is 
> there a similar risk in HOL4?
> Cheers,
>     Thomas.
> On 2019-09-30 23:49, Konrad Slind wrote:
>> A couple of places to look in HOLindex: refuteLib and normalForms structure.
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 1:31 PM Chun Tian (binghe) < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     it can be proven (by DECIDE_TAC) that,
>>     |- (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q <=> p /\ ~q /\ x
>>     but is there any conversion function available in HOL4 such that from 
>> LHS of above equation I can directly get the RHS - something like a 
>> canonical form?
>>     --Chun
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