Of course, it’s possible to be surprised by the behaviour of the simplifier, 
and simplification wrt conjuncts is a bit “out of the ordinary” perhaps, but in 
principle it is no riskier than rewriting wrt assumptions or terms that appear 
to the left of an implication.  E.g., if

  P /\ Q ==> R

induces looping in R because of the P and Q, then the same thing may happen in 
P /\ Q /\ R.


From: Thomas Sewell <sew...@chalmers.se>
Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2019 at 18:43
To: hol-info <hol-info@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Hol-info] Simplify/normalize propositional logic terms?

Try this:

SIMP_CONV (bool_ss ++ boolSimps.CONJ_ss) [] `` (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q  ``;

That CONJ_ss just adds a congruence rule that uses each side of a conjunction 
to simplify the other.

I found it by investigating bossLib.csimp, which you might also want to know 

Once upon a time in Isabelle I had a problem with such congruences, since they 
might locally add rewrites which might be looping or inefficient. Is there a 
similar risk in HOL4?


On 2019-09-30 23:49, Konrad Slind wrote:
A couple of places to look in HOLindex: refuteLib and normalForms structure.

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 1:31 PM Chun Tian (binghe) 
<binghe.l...@gmail.com<mailto:binghe.l...@gmail.com>> wrote:

it can be proven (by DECIDE_TAC) that,

|- (q \/ p /\ x) /\ p /\ ~q <=> p /\ ~q /\ x

but is there any conversion function available in HOL4 such that from LHS of 
above equation I can directly get the RHS - something like a canonical form?


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