> What do we do in that rare case where the bottom 32 of the MAC are
> duplicated?   
> Also consider that virtual switches (VMware, XEN, etc.) all pretty much
> use the same set of MAC addresses.  VMware has a 50:  prefix that they
> use, XEN has another, and did you know that 10:00:00 (curisously like
> 10/8) is reserved for private use... 
> So, it would be good for zospf text to say something about this.
> I think that we can use 32-bits of MAC address in most cases.
>     Fred> One obviously doesn't actually announce any LSAs using the
>     Fred> router ID until a unique router id is established.
> okay.

You need a unique identifier at the equipment level for anything you
intend to auto-configure --autoconfiguring uniqueness is a very hard,
probably impossible, problem on a global scale. So we need to count on
this one thing, no matter what else we might need to back in to.

Now, it might be possible to some hash over a GPS location for a "base,"
and then add on MAC addresses, or some such, but IMHO, homenet should
start with the assumption of having some sort of "unique id" in every
device deployed, available through some sort of local API, and work from

Let's solve problems that can actually be solved... :-)



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