On Mar 13, 2012, at 10:11 PM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> My cursory research says you are not going to be able to present a convincing 
> amount of data to support the fact that a stateful
> inspection firewall should be applied in a contemporary home environment. 

I don't recall anyone saying that a "stateful inspection" firewall was 
specifically called for. I think we argued that there is a market expectation 
that a firewall is at least available, and that however the firewall is 
implemented, it should prevent simple attacks from "outside" the network (I 
will argue "network layer attacks" as opposed to combing through bits in layers 
above). As we get into the specifics of kinds of firewalls, I think we're 
treading even more heavily on people's religion.

As to "kinds of firewalls", I have a posted draft (which I think I mentioned), 
which might be discussed in opsawg and might be discussed in the Security Area 
meeting. I haven't heard a decision on that. I would suggest we defer to that 
discussion. However, as far as *this* draft goes, I think that it is fair to 
say that

 - a CPE Router MAY include a firewall function.

 - IF such a function is implemented, it MUST be possible to disable
   it, reducing the CPE to a simple router.

   (my rule on the use of "MUST": I use the term when failing to
   do so breaks something, and I try to say what breaks. In this
   case, a CPE Router that has a firewall that can't be turned off 
   cannot be used as an interior router in the home network)

 - IF it is a "deny all" firewall, it SHOULD have a means of providing
   access rules for services inside the home, such as allowing SMTP
   to an SMTP server or ISP access to a set-top box. PCP or other
   protocols like it MAY be used to achieve that.

 - IF it is a role-based firewall, it SHOULD have a means of
   configuring and using roles.

 - IF it is a stateful inspection, reputation-based, or anomaly 
   detection firewall, it SHOULD have a way to maintain the indicated
   tables such as periodic download of signed files from a trusted

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