On Feb 19, 2015, at 2:43 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
> If people are making routing protocol decision based on the fact that they 
> think most of the homenet links are going to be current incarnation of 
> 802.11, then we're lacking consensus on a lot wider range of requirements 
> than just the routing protocol. We have different opinions on what homenet 
> actually is and what it's going to look like.

Mikael, it is common practice to do air-to-air bridging on home networks now.   
We have discussed whether we want to support this in homenet, and concluded 
that we must.   You are the first person as far as I can recall to suggest that 
this was optional.   Yes, we do need a routing protocol that works well when 
some of the transit networks are wifi networks.   This is not an edge case.

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