On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Ted Lemon <mel...@fugue.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 19, 2015, at 2:11 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
>>> I'd imagine it's easier to do AQM on routed ports instead of switched ports 
>>> as well, that's where I can imagine CeroWRT choosing this approach.
>> I don't think it is easier to do AQM on routed ports.   If you do the easy 
>> version of AQM for switched ports, that's easy; if you do per-port AQM I 
>> think it's equally hard in both cases.
> In either case AQM and FQ has to be per port in the switch hardware
> itself. I have been patiently awaiting for that sort of hardware to
> arrive.
> On most consumer routers the cpu forwarding path isnt capable of gbit
> rates in the first place.
> If you are doing software bridging (say between wired and wireless),
> you apply fq_codel to the underlying interfaces, not the bridge, and
> you are golden, except for dealing with multicast...
>>The plumbing for the L2 solution would look different than for the L3 
>>solution, and that might make it trickier, though.
>> CeroWRT did this, as far as I understand it, because Dave wanted to shake 
>> out cross-subnet issues, not because he felt it was technically preferable 
>> in the long run, but perhaps I am misrepresenting his position on the topic.
> You are correct, I primarily chose routing between tons of interfaces
> precisely to expose what cross-subnet issues existed in the real
> world, and to make it be soooo painful as to inspire those writing
> code that overused multicast to find unicast solutions!
> The core things that break are things we long ago identified - mdns
> and local service discovery, notably.

Also firewalling became a log(nports) problem without the special solutions
in cerowrt. That became AMAZINGLY slow when we got past 4 interfaces.
It still is quite slow even with the pattern match we use there.

>(I have generally found that
> every android app lets me plug in an ip address for a given service,
> so for me it hasnt been a huge problem - except that not having a
> dynamic ipv6 to name mapping makes dynamic ipv6 unusable in such
> cases)
> The net result is a lot of cero people said to hell with that and went
> back to bridging everything, instead of working harder on mdns-proxy,
> cidr, etc.
> This microcosm of induced routing pain was also intended to show how
> multicast didnt scale at all into larger wifi networks in the the
> small business, or educational campus, that are bridged to wifi, here
> the problems induced by multicast are so crippling as to leading to
> the vast establishment of things like AP isolation, which disconnects
> everyone from everyone else, on the same AP, which to me, is a
> terrible solution.
> I do note that not bridging ethernet and wifi together in cero has led
> to making wifi quite a bit more pleasant and less jittery on apps like
> webrtc, at least for me, and there is work in play on improving wifi´s
> aggregation handling and multicast queue management coming up soon.
>>> It's good that we're having this discussions since I seem to not be the 
>>> only one thinking that there should be one port per subnet.
> I do like occasionally having more than one vlan, but in the general case,
> routing is far more expensive than switching.
> The no-nat case here shows the impact of a current 44 entry routing
> table on downloads, in the present linux 3.18 fib lookup system.
> http://snapon.lab.bufferbloat.net/~d/openwrt-3.18.7/openwrt-wndr3800-3.18.7.svg
> and also shows the performance difference between ipv6 and ipv4 on
> this hardware.
> There has been some GREAT work on improving linux´s fib lookup system
> of late, but hardware bridging will always outperform software
> bridging which will always outperform routing, IMHO.
> Anyway I cant imagine a homeowner wanting more than 2-3 vlans at most,
> and most, just one. There is no problem scaling an ethernet broadcast
> domain to 4096 devices. Using up 16 ports on 16 different /64 subnets
> is kind of crazy, especially since at least one provider (comcast) is
> only supplying a /60 in the first place.
> wifi on the other hand, barely scales to 30 active stations.
>> Indeed, there are two of you!
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> Dave Täht
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Dave Täht


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