On 31.8.2015, at 14.33, Markus Stenberg <markus.stenb...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Sure, you can define link segment name election mechanism and use per-link 
> names (they are even mentioned as an option in 
> draft-ietf-homenet-stenberg-hybrid-proxy-zeroconf; see also why doing that 
> zeroconf might be bad idea), but I am not sure it is any cleaner than just 
> electing single router to be responsible for it and using per-link+router 
> names. That draft is intentionally NOT referred to in HNCP itself due to 
> hybrid proxy dependency.

Oho, still had my name there. This is the link, for the record. Seems like it 
is about to expire too, should probably nop-republish it (for Nth time; I think 
substantial changes to the draft were 2-3 years ago).



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