On Jul 31, 2017, at 3:22 PM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
> So the plumbing/protocols all do work if you have a name and
> address that works from the CA service provider POV. It's just
> that almost nobody can do that today.
> Is this something where it'd be worth trying to get a few folks
> from the various communities on a call to see if we can come up
> with something that might work for the openwrt/lede type cases?

Yes.   I actually suggested a design for solving this problem in an earlier 
version of the homenet naming architecture document:


I took this out in the -01 document because I was specifying something that 
probably ought to be specified in a different document—I just wanted to get it 
out there so that it wouldn't get patented.   I think this is something that 
could be done on a demonstration basis right now (modulo figuring out all the 
steps in the process, which I just sketched).

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