Hello all,

The following issues have been identified in the latest requirements
drafts.  They need to be discussed before the requirements spec is

1. UI.Packages.Size

How do we handle split /usr?  What about split /usr/bin from /usr/share?
 Should Horizon simply ignore the size issues if the topology becomes
too complex?  Adding metadata for each directory to APK seems silly, and
that'd be the only way to accurately give a "too large" error at that
level of split.

2. UI.Accounts.UserAcct.AcctName.Default.Algo

Is this algorithm acceptable?  Can PAM handle account names of 32
characters?  I can't find an exact citation for this.

Additionally, the Unicode reference for how to Latinise and lower-case a
string needs to be found.

3. UI.Finish.RemoveMedia

How do we allow the user to reboot when there is no disc in the drive?
Is this possible, or should this requirement be stricken?

Can we put /sbin/reboot in a tmpfs and execute it there?  If we use
s6-linux-init, what files does it need to be able to reboot without /
continuing to exist?

4. HorizonScript Specification: netssid.format

Is it valid to have more than one SSID configuration per interface?
Certainly it may be useful if you have multiple SSIDs in a company (one
at a headquarters and another at a satellite office, for instance), but
I feel like they could just copy their own wpa_supplicant.conf in if
that's the case.  I'd like community feedback on whether multiple SSIDs
per interface would be genuinely useful for HorizonScript.  (This does
not change the Horizon UI for choosing a wireless network.)

5. Runner.Execute.netaddress.OpenRC

How do we decide what interfaces to enable on boot up?  Do we enable all
of them?  What if the HorizonScript doesn't include netifrc (or even
openrc) for installation?  Should the Runner be "intelligent" enough to
detect that netifrc won't be installed, and not create the service files?

6. Runner.Execute.network.netaddress

Should the network be validated?  What if it's an internal-only network,
should it still be considered valid?  How would we determine if the
network is valid if it is an internal-only network?  What if the gateway
is blocking ICMP?  What should the DHCP timeout be?  Should DHCP
parameters be verified after a lease is acquired?

Let's discuss during the comment window.


A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Project Lead, Adélie Linux

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