On 27/09/2019 06:27, Kiyoshi Aman wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 6:53 AM A. Wilcox <awil...@adelielinux.org> wrote:
>> UI.Packages.Size
> Is split-/usr even that common any more? I know the systemd crowd have
> been pushing to fold /bin and /sbin in to /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, to
> the point of creating symlinks at install-time.

This is not really an answer.  The point is to define how the system
will function if someone does do a split /usr, not how common it is for
that to happen.  It's to ensure the system is able to cope with this

>> UI.Accounts.UserAcct.AcctName.Default.Algo
> The norm for most other installers is to use the first name only, but
> this (obviously) only works for Western names. I know macOS uses the
> full string, which is probably preferable—and we probably want to
> encourage people to use just their given/preferred name and not their
> full/legal name, to avoid having to think about it.
> As for Latinization, does PAM really not support Unicode usernames? We
> can set up an appropriate input mechanism (by asking for the preferred
> keyboard layout) when the user specifies their language. That
> information can be used to set up the installed layout configuration,
> too.

PAM really does not support Unicode usernames; even if it did, a great
many utilities in Linux don't either.  I suppose this can just be a UI
detail, and the requirement can be left alone.  I am satisfied with this
as a resolution.

>> UI.Finish.RemoveMedia
> What Ubuntu and Fedora do for this step is prompt to remove the
> install media as part of the shutdown process post-install. That
> should be sufficient for us, too.

I am satisfied with this resolution as well, and have integrated it in
to the latest Git copy.

>> HorizonScript Specification: netssid.format
> For a laptop or other mobile device, I'd say it's valid, especially if
> it's a business laptop one uses at home and at the office, which isn't
> that uncommon a configuration.

I have integrated this in to the latest Git copy.

>> Runner.Execute.netaddress.OpenRC
> If no network configuration is provided by the script, don't bother
> setting one up—it might not be intended to be networked, or the user
> might be expected to do it during a first-time configuration (as with
> OEM Windows installs).

I think my question was misunderstood, let me try to rephrase it:

1. What should Horizon do with OpenRC network services if someone
specifies network configuration for multiple network interfaces?  Should
it have all network interfaces start up on system boot?

2. What should Horizon do if the 'netifrc' package, used for OpenRC
network services, is not installed in the system?  Should it be
"intelligent" enough to notice this, or should it just let the user
handle it (since they probably didn't include netifrc for a reason)?

>> Runner.Execute.network.netaddress
> It might be worthwhile to have a 'network.check' key which points to a
> URL for network testing; if not present but network configuration
> *is*, perhaps a default HTTP request to a public domain would be
> sufficient.

This is an interesting idea.  Thank you!

I am thinking of the following:

Name. netcheck

Purpose. The netcheck key determines a command to run to ensure that the
target computer's networking support is working properly.

Format. The netcheck key is a string value containing a command to be
run on the target computer once networking configuration is completed,
to ensure networking configuration is functioning correctly.  If the
command exits with a non-zero exit status, the networking configuration
will be determined to not be functioning correctly.

Default. If the netcheck key is not present, the default action is to
check if the target computer can connect to www.adelielinux.org.


  netcheck key - Ping a computer

    netcheck ping -c 1

  netcheck key - Check an HTTP service

    netcheck curl http://detectportal.firefox.com/



A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Project Lead, Adélie Linux

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