Mikel and all,


Whether or not you were watching the HOT Code grow, I feel I need to provide a 
bit of context here.  I personally decided to really start volunteering to help 
create this document once I saw the material, what I’ll call posts (pieces and 
parts from other docs, comments, suggestions, ideas, and opinions), from you 
all - that are much more experienced and knowledgeable in HOT, than I am, 
trickle off.  Then as I tried assisting Mikel and Kate to start forming the 
posts into a document, what I started to read in these posts was that some of 
the other posts were contradictory, or at least needed clarification in regards 
to the official legal documents (i.e. the legal doctrine of HOT), mostly the 
current Bylaws.  If you can’t tell, I’ve since spent a lot more time than 
expected reading up on all the HOT doctrine; and what I realized, is that the 
document I think we’re trying to end up with is actually just an explanation, 
or sometimes interpretation of the legal jargon into lay terms.


That said, my apologies to all who were hoping for something else, but as a 
legal guidance document, it reads a bit like a legal document. 


I hereby suggest J to you Mikel and all, that with a final review, edit, and 
completion of a few things I could not on my own; the first draft of the HOT 
Code is here: https://hackpad.com/HOT-Code-1X2acHIN2HX  





Russell Deffner

Russdeffner on OSM




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