Talking of videos are there any training videos about what HOT expects?

The reason I ask is that although we break down to give tasks can we break
it down even more.  ie teach someone to do a simple task of map a building
using high resolution satellite imagery, sounds dumb but map one in JOSM, q
it to square it, tag it building=yes, select, <Crtl>c move the mouse to
another <crtl>v, adjust the four corners, q again etc.

The concept is we can teach people to map buildings on You-tube, its simple
and has value.

Another would teach people how to recognise a road and to tag it or

We may need expertise to map things like water bodies, rivers, streams and
forests but buildings and footpaths in Africa are probably 80% of what
needs to be mapped and you don't need a degree in GIS to do this.  Let's
delegate what we can.

Cheerio John

On 20 October 2014 15:55, Kate Chapman <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there a video you think best represents our work? Most videos seem to
> focus on one project or are a talk at a conference. Do we have anything
> that is less specific?
> Thanks,
> -Kate
> --
> Kate Chapman
> Executive Director
> email:
> U.S. mobile: +1 703 673 8834
> Indonesian mobile: +62 82123068370
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