Hello all,

I am currently doing field mapping with MSF in Bangassou, Central
African Republic for the Missing Maps. I have a few issues I could do
with some help with...

Firstly, landmarks...

Some important landmarks in Bangassou are the catholic missions (of
which there are at least two), prayer houses (of which there are many)
and chief's houses (one for every quartier / village etc). Prayer
houses are not churches and cannot be tagged as such as they fulfill
very different roles, socially and culturally. However, they also are
heavily used by local people to navigate the town / villages. Does
anyone have any idea (or previous experience) of how these might be
best tagged?

Also, the chief's houses are definitely landmarks, but also are
important places socially (kind of like a local administration
office). However, they are also private residences. Many have a sign
outside with the name of the chief and the quartier etc, but many do
not. How can this be handled? Is it a consent issue with the chiefs?

Secondly, admin divisions...

We are very close to having shapes for the the quartiers in Bangassou
town. I know that the tag admin_level should be used, but how do I
discern the level? The admin flow goes:

Arrondisement (only in the town itself - not in villages)

I apologise as I can't do any kind of extensive research on these
questions myself as the internet connection is poor. If anyone can
help in the next day or two, it would be much appreciated.



*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>

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