What is needed is to pick up the coordinates of each tile of each project.

Then pickup the mapper's name from the task manager whether or not they
have completed a tile.

Each day scan all the uploads for unusual tags, discard those who weren't
on the list of HOT mappers, check the coordinates for the project and tile.

Feed that into a list that a validator could check.  Not easy but
technically doable.  Ideally sorted by the number of edits the mapper has

If it picked up suspect tags like living_street in Africa it wouldn't break
my heart.

It is a project that needs managing first to determine the values, it could
even be by project.

Next how to handle the feedback.  If we know the first language of the
mapper can we arrange a validator with the same first language?

If no validator is available should some sort of automated response be
sent?  Especially if it is someone who has just started mapping?

Something for the Ottawa summit perhaps?

Cheerio John

On 9 August 2017 at 16:47, Bjoern Hassler <bjohas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> We've made a bit of progress regarding mmstats, https://github.com/
> OSM-Utilities/JOSM-Scripts-HOT/tree/master/www, latest working version
> deployed here: http://bjohas.de/mmstats/www/mmstats.html
> We'll make a bit more progress over the next few days, but it does already
> pick up when mappers are using tags outside a specified set. It's quite
> simple but would have picked up this issue.
> It would be great if project owners trialled http://bjohas.de/mmstats/www/
> mmstats.html on their project hashtag - we'd be quite happy to tailor it
> (where possible given the currently existing APIs, i.e. red cross /
> overpass etc).
> Bjoern
> On 9 August 2017 at 21:03, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes I know I'm a bit one tracked sometimes but quite by chance I stumbled
>> across a HOT mapper who had tagged 264 buildings Yess=Building
>> in Togo.
>> I have corrected these but they were done five months ago.
>> In the ideal world we would have enough validators but we don't so could
>> someone at least scan the mappers mapping on a project and highlight
>> unusual tags or even no tags?
>> If it could be done daily feedback could be given quickly which would
>> reduce the number of errors and the time spent correcting them.
>> It does require some manual validation but it would pick up problems more
>> quickly.
>> Thanks John
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