
I also used to be an Access developer. When I came over the fence to Linux 
(2008) I looked for an equivalent tool and made the assumption that LibreOffice 
Base would fit the bill. I spent several months off and on attempting to 
reproduce the sort of user interfaces and functionality that are simple and 
commonplace in Access.

The single most limiting factor is the form designer. Because a Base form is 
really a variant of a Writer document you have a lot less control over the 
general appearance and visual wizardry which you can employ. At best a Base 
application GUI looks like something from the very early days of Visual Basic.

The programming language (a Basic variant) is powerful, but you often need a 
lot of code to achieve what may require one or two lines in Access. If you've 
ever created a GUI in Visual C++ and the same in VB/VBA then you will 
appreciate the scale of the difference.

I found the native HSQL database to be very slow once the tables start getting 
large - at least in its LibreOffice implementation. You would be better off 
connecting to a different engine. MySQL gave pretty good performance, but then 
you are moving outside the core Access concept.

Eventually I gave up on Base and looked around for something else. I discovered 
Gambas, which is a development environment using the Basic programming 
language. It's very close to VB in both concept and implementation - in fact 
better in many ways. This can connect to a SQLite database in 4 lines of code. 
You can use explicit coding to interface with the database but Gambas also 
provides data objects and bound controls. With SQLite as a single-file 
database, a Gambas + SQLite application is as close to an analog for Access as 
you will find on Linux, with much the same level of developer-friendly 
functionality as Access provides as well.

The latest couple of versions of Access (post ribbon) have introduced massive 
amounts of bloat and become more cumbersome for the developer. Gambas avoids 
all that, making it a pleasure to use.

In brief, Base is the one module of LibreOffice which falls well short of its 
Microsoft equivalent. It has its uses for simple tasks like mail-merge but as a 
development environment I would avoid it. In my view, for the Access developer 
migrating to Linux, Gambas + SQLite is the way to go. If you're still on 
Windows then you're best to bite the bullet and stick with Access.


Just writing this is giving me ideas for an HPR episode......


Nige (aka Beeza)

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