This whole thing has moved me firmly into the listener side of the house. If Linux Inlaws isn't for HPR, none of my content would be.

On 9/3/22 12:40, Ken Fallon wrote:
Apologies this also needs to go to the HPR list.

On 2022-08-20 04:10, Ken Fallon wrote:
TL;DR Ken wakes up to find out he is wrong (again) and owes the Linux InLaws and apology.

Hi All,

I've had some time to stand back and think about how I handled this situation and I owe the Linux Inlaws an apology.

As they have stated several times, from their point of view nothing has changed since their joining HPR. They believed and believe HPR to be a Podcast Hosting Platform and have used it as such in good faith. I now see that in that light they have done all that was asked of them and more.

In forgetting that we were bootstrapping their podcast, and getting frustrated at their apparent flouting of the Syndication rule, I have done HPR and the Linux Inlaws a disservice. They have not done anything wrong.

I would like to apologies to all concerned.

Unfortunately as I spent so much effort proving HPR is not a Podcast Hosting Platform, I am now left with the problem of dealing with a FLOSS Podcast without a home. This is not a good look, and is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to achieve.

The InLaws will need some time to transition to their own hosting site. Their schedule is recorded several months in advance, so they will need the time to migrate in an orderly fashion. The move to new hosting would need to get ironed out, as well as notifying their listeners as to the change that is happening, and we need to make sure that the feeds redirect automatically.

I would like to ask the HPR Community's tolerance for this exception for say a period of six months or so, so that they can round off Season 1 here on HPR in good order. I also hope that that extra time will give me the opportunity to mend some fences.

Suffice to say I owe Martin, Chris and indeed Yannick some beers at FOSDEM for this mess.

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