Hello, people of Stellar Group,

I am Maryam, a CS master's student with a background in Security and ML. I
am interested in participating in GSoC 2020 with Ste||ar.

Currently, Phylanx does not have a python package easily installable
through pip. I would love to contribute by building a pypi package this

I have experience building python packages on hand but I realized I don't
really have anything to show for it so I pushed a minimal phylanx package
on test pypi with the name obscure (Changed the name cause I'm not entirely
certain it's wise to publish with the correct name on test-pypi).

You can check it out here:

Right now, *pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/
<https://test.pypi.org/simple/> obscure==0.1.0  *only installs python
module and the related submodules as the barebone package does not support
cxx, cmake and related files by default.

Importing module phylanx and submodule python works once you have
successfully installed the package from test pypi.
[image: Screenshot 2020-03-14 at 14.02.28.png]
Currently, that's pretty much the only usage. Since the whole project has
not been published it is not functional.

>From what I understand, the project would need to be published as a single
package with the main content as an importable module and the rest of the
files will go as a dependency of these modules.
[I would require to set up the correct files and hierarchy plus set up a
manifest.in file so wheel recognizes them]

Additionally, all the good python packages have a help menu that appears
when invoked [e.g help(numpy)] but Phylanx does not have comments in the
correct DocString format right now to display them. I would need to
implement that in __init__.py files.

I would love to get feedback on my interpretation of what is expected from
a potential GSoC student in this project.

Lastly, I have a couple of questions I would like to ask. I have been
familiarizing myself with the Phylanx manual. What other resources are
available for me to understand the inner workings of the module?

Does the project assume that the HPX and Blaze dependencies are satisfied
when the Phylanx package is installed or should the *pip install phylanx*
command install them along with other dependencies?

The email got a bit long. But I hope I was able to express myself clearly.
Really hoping for a positive reply and ensuing discussion.

Thank you for your time.
Maryam Hashmi
hpx-users mailing list

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