Dear Mentors,

I am Anushi Maheshwari, final year student of Harcourt Butler Technical
University(HBTU, Kanpur).Before contributing to open-source I used to do
Sports Coding (Codechef://anushi, Codeforces://Anushi1998).Therefore, I
have a good understanding of Algorithms and STL Containers.I also possess
some beginner skills in Open MP as well.

I find this project "Implement a Faster Associative Container for GIDs"
intriguing and I would like to contribute to it through GSoC 2018.I am
familiar with the implementation of tries and I think suffix trees provide
memory efficient implementation when compared to tries.I was looking this
folder (hpx/src/runtime/agas/) to get a better understanding of the current
implementation of GID lookup system.

I would be grateful if you provide some directions for this project.


*Warm Regards*
*Anushi Maheshwari*
*B.Tech (ECE)*
*HBTU, Kanpur-208002*

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