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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, SePTeMBeR o7, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Daredevil pilot flies upside down under bridge
  • Running of the SHEEP?
  • Attorney settles $5 debt from 1931, with interest
  • Fans make noise over hushed Def Leppard show
  • Hottest chilli pepper found in India
  • Daredevil pilot flies upside down under bridge

    KAUNAS, Lithuania -- On Saturday, a daredevil Lithuanian pilot flew his SU-26 plane upside down under a bridge that was only 33 feet above the water.

    Jurgis Kairys said he doubted he would ever perform the dangerous event a second time, no matter what the reward.

    i DaRe You To CLiCK THiS

    Running of the SHEEP?

    REED POINT, Montana -- You could call it the tame alternative to the annual running of the bulls in Spain -- except instead of running with them and getting gored, you just kind of watch sheep trot.

    The sheep drive down main street of this small town attracted thousands of tourists from across the U.S. on Sunday. The event also featured carnival games and dozens of food and craft vendors

    CLiCK HeRe FoR THe WooL SToRY
    aND THaT aiN'T No BuLL

    Attorney settles $5 debt from 1931, with interest

    COLLEGE PARK, Georgia -- Back in 1931, Malberry Smith Jr., then president of the Russell High senior class, rented a ballroom for their Christmas party but forgot to pay the $5 fee.

    Nearly 70 years later, Smith, now an attorney, paid back the $5 fee plus $513.50 in interest. The organization that still meets in the historic building was thrilled to receive the unexpected payment.

    You oWe Me a CLiCK

    Fans make noise over hushed Def Leppard show

    SALEM, Oregon -- When Def Leppard turned down the volume at the Oregon State Fair, some audience members tuned out. Seven-hundred fans of the heavy-metal band sought refunds after a Sunday concert they deemed insufficiently loud, thanks to a city noise ordinance.

    "You could barely hear the lead guitar player playing," Scott Davis, 38, said.

    PouR SoMe SuGaR oN Me
    CLICK HeRe iN THe NaMe oF LoVe

    Hottest chilli pepper found in India

    GUWAHATI, India -- A group of Indian scientists have found the Tezpur chilli grown in northeast India to be the hottest pepper in the world, beating Mexico's Red Savina Habanero.

    The heat contained in chillis is measured in Scoville units of pure capsaicin. In their study, the Tezpur chilli rated 855,000 Scoville units, while the Habanero registered at 557,000 units.

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