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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, SePTeMBeR 28, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Monkeys throw fruit at cars on Interstate
  • Egyptian hospital calls in the snake-charmers
  • Jackie Chan thrills schoolkids with surprise appearance
  • Snoopy goes postal on new stamp

  • Monkeys throw fruit at cars on Interstate

    JARRATT, Virginia -- Drivers on Interstate 95 were assaulted on Sunday by three monkeys throwing bananas and crab apples at their cars, police said.

    Police believe the monkeys escaped while in transit to a fair or circus.

    MoNKeY See
    MoNKeY CLiCK

    Egyptian hospital calls in the snake-charmers

    CAIRO -- Snake charmers were called after workers reported snakes and scorpions in the halls of Assiut University Hospital.

    Since September 13, the charmers have caught six snakes and a scorpion.

    SLiTHeR oVeR HeRe

    Jackie Chan thrills Virginia schoolkids with surprise appearance

    NEWPORT NEWS, Virginia -- His action flicks may not be ideal kids' fare, but film star Jackie Chan still cares deeply about young people.

    Students anticipating learning more about the National Aeronautics Space Administration were shocked when Chan arrived on campus in a white stretch limo.

    KaRaTe CLiCK

    Snoopy goes postal on new stamp

    BLOOMINGTON, Minnesota -- Elvis, Jimmy Cagney and Daffy Duck already got theirs, so its only fitting that Snoopy should land on a stamp, too.

    The popular "Peanuts" pup, all done up in World War I flying garb, will surface on a new stamp next spring as part of a series honoring American icons. It's expected to be one of the first 34-cent stamps, thanks to a Postal Service rate hike.

    No NeeD To CLiCK
    THaT's THe WHoLe SCHtiCK

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