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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, ocToBeR o5, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Bizarre names give rise to new rules in Honduras
  • New Zealand cows producing frothy milk
  • Charmin maker gives Mr. Whipple the squeeze
  • Annual Feast of St. Francis features blessing of the animals

  • Bizarre names give rise to new rules in Honduras

    TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- Names like "Spark Plug" and "Miracle Tire" have prompted the tribunal that oversees the country's public birth registry to request legislation forbidding parents from using "extravagant or offensive" names.

    The region where most of these names can be found is the Gracias a Dios (Thank God) province. "It is common (there) for people to employ names usually used for automobile parts," the tribunal said.

    "DaSHBoaRD" SaYS STeeR YouR WHeeL oVeR HeRe

    New Zealand cows producing frothy milk

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- To the delight of latte and cappuccino fans, approximately 1,500 cows on seven farms in New Zealand have been found to produce naturally frothy milk all year round.

    Scientists have been trying to figure out how to make cow's milk more frothy. In this case, the county milk manager thinks it has something to do with the grass.


    Charmin maker gives Mr. Whipple the squeeze

    LOS ANGELES -- Mr. Whipple won't get a tribute from his old boss until after the commercial actors stop picketing.

    Procter & Gamble said it's holding off on the lifetime achievement honor for Dick Wilson -- he played the tissue-squeezing grocery clerk on those old Charmin commercials -- until the strike is over, Variety reports.

    Wilson believes his speech at a September 13 rally -- in which he said, "Please don't squeeze the actors" -- had something to do with the delay.

    PLeaSe Do SQueeZe YouR MouSE

    Annual Feast of St. Francis features blessing of the animals

    NEW YORK (CNN) -- At Manhattan's Cathedral of Saint John the Divine on Sunday, a procession of animals ranging from small birds to a camel marched, with human help, to the high altar to be blessed by the Episcopal bishop.

    More than 4,000 people attended the celebration in honor of the Feast of St. Francis. Herbert Katz, director of communications for the church, said, "The feast celebrates St. Francis's love for all animals and all of God's creatures."

    ANiMaL oR NoT

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