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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, ocToBeR 19, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Corn King changes face of farming
  • Net gardening for couch potatoes
  • Bodacious Barbie under attack
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Youngsters offer fresh spin on Bush-Gore debate
  • Corn King changes face of farming

    PLEASANT GROVE, Utah -- Brett Herbst has carved out his own career path.

    He started a company called The MAiZE, which designs corn mazes for farmers throughout the United States.

    His designs range from fighting dinosaurs to a universe of planets.

    THiS iS No CoRNy SToRy

    Net gardening for couch potatoes


    (CNN) -- Mankind recently took another giant step away from the real world and into the virtual one with the launch of a Web site for gardeners who can't actually be bothered to do any gardening.

    www.myveggiepatch.com offers all the thrills and spills of cultivating your very own crop of turnips without any of the attendant dirt or hard work.

    CLiCK, WaTeR aND WaTCH YouR VeGGieS GRoW

    Bodacious Barbie under attack

    SAN FRANCISCO, California -- Several new 11 1/2 inch dolls are strutting their stuff on store shelves these days, hoping to knock Barbie from her throne.

    "Barbie really hasn't changed in the last 20 years," says one doll maker. "When you get right down to it, she is really just a supermodel."

    CLiCK iN THe NaMe oF BaRBie

    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Youngsters offer fresh spin on Bush-Gore debate

    NEW YORK (CNN) -- Presidential debates are generally followed by lots of insightful analysis from experts and pundits, each looking at the spectacle through well-trained eyes.

    But a different view -- sometimes refreshing, sometimes surprising -- can be seen through the eyes of children.

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