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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, MaRCH o1, 2oo1
  In this edition:
  • Hong Kong jeweler's lav of luxury
  • Vatican urged to name handgun saint
  • Rival with Tiffany? Gibson says that's false
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: famous betrayals

  • toilet Hong Kong jeweler's lav of luxury

    HONG KONG, China -- A Hong Kong jeweler has opened his doors to what is possibly the world's most glamorous convenience -- a glittering golden bathroom complete with two 24-carat solid gold toilets.

    Having learned in school that Lenin had wanted to make gold toilets for the Russian people, Lam Sai-wing says he had long dreamed of creating the ultimate in lavish loos.

    HeRe'S a CaRRoT FoR THe CaRaTS

    Vatican urged to name handgun saint

    VATICAN CITY, Vatican City -- Admirers of a gun-toting saint are campaigning for him to be made the patron saint of handgun owners.

    St. Gabriel Possenti was known as a skilled gunman and is said to have once used his skills to prevent a woman being raped.

    i HeaR You'Re KNoWN aS a SKiLLeD CLiCKeR

    Rival with Tiffany? Gibson says that's false

    NEW YORK -- This falls under the category of "In case you were wondering ..."

    Former teen pop star Deborah Gibson says there was never a rivalry between her and fellow teen-age pop star Tiffany back in the '80s. She called the rumors "fabricated."

    i THiNK We'Re aLoNe NoW (iT'S OK To CLiCK)

    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: famous betrayals

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Most people think of the U.S. capital as the home of the White House, the Lincoln memorial and other patriotic spots marking places in history. But a new bus tour touts Washington as the "world capital of espionage."

    "Any place you look in this city you will see the ghost of intelligence collection," said former FBI counterintelligence officer David Major.

    CLiCK aND DaGGeR

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