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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, MaRCH 15, 2oo1
  In this edition:
  • Hamster races soothe restless bettors as foot-and-mouth slows sports
  • Sheep shoots sleeping shepherd
  • Foot-stomping elephant messages
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Eunuchs compete in Ms. World 2001
  • Hamster races soothe restless bettors as foot-and-mouth slows sports

    LONDON (AP) -- In this nation of inveterate bettors, the wagering world is getting creative -- or maybe a little desperate -- as a severe outbreak of the livestock ailment has quieted the action at the gambling parlors that dot the streets of most major British cities.

    One Internet betting site is offering hamster races to keep bettors happy until the schedule of more well-established sports returns to normal.

    oN YouR MaRK, GeT SeT, CLiCK

    Sheep shoots sleeping shepherd

    CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Shepherd Mokhtar Adam Fadl was sleeping soundly beside his flock when he was shot dead. Hours later police found the killer. It was one of his sheep, police officers said Thursday

    KiCK HeRe

    Foot-stomping elephant messages

    SAN FRANCISCO, California (Reuters) -- A new study by Stanford University researchers indicates that elephants use foot-stomping and vocal rumblings as part of an elaborate system of seismic communication, sending vibrations through the ground to other elephants far beyond the reach of audible sound.

    TaLK LiKe aN eLePHaNT
    CLiCK LiKe a HuMaN

    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Eunuchs compete in Ms. World 2001

    BHOPAL, India (Reuters) -- Ms. Neha of Delhi was crowned Ms. World 2001 in India Saturday.

    Whether Ms. Neha is a Ms. is debatable: India's Ms. World pageant is a contest for eunuchs. But it's customary to call eunuchs "she" in India.

    YoU CLiCK FoR euNuCHS

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