On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> On Wed 07-Oct-2009 at 17:26 -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
> >Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> >> What I think may be quite nice way to store necessary data is the XML.
> >
> >this has been discussed before. The result was that some people favor
> >the Makefile, others would favor the XML (me included).
> This all sounds like 'version 2 syndrome'.  Isn't there enough stuff
> that really needs fixing in Hugin?  Sure the .pto format would be
> more elegant rewritten in YAML (or maybe XML), but without any
> positive benefits it is just an opportunity to introduce new bugs.
> What can you do with XML that we can't already do with the current
> .pto format?
> Abandoning 'make' is a mistake, the Makefile stitching system is
> very powerful: we get ordering of commands, parallel processing,
> restarting, and supervision of the whole process by a mature tool.
> I can't accept "Makefiles are hard" as a valid reason for recreating
> 'make' in XML.

OK.  I understand there are many benefits of using makefiles such as the
ones you have mentioned.  I was considering things such as platform specific
script files since they seemed more likely to be able to support filenames
with alternate character sets.  If it is possible to have make targets such
as 'this is a directory/this is date: "quoted string"' then make is fine.  I
wasn't aware that all of the problematic strings can be expressed properly
in a makefile.  If the perl scripts can do this already, then we can
certainly look at a refactor of the Makefile exporting.

I propose  XML or different format than the pto format (hugin project
persistent storage only, pto's would still be generated and passed to things
such as the optimizer, fulla, nona) as it would more easliy handle extra
info and structure of a project that hugin can do now.  I haven't seen how
the layout mode is storing the state of pano yet so perhaps it is not an

Best Regards,

- Gerry

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