Bruno Postle wrote:
> Isn't there enough stuff that really needs fixing in Hugin?

yes there is. but the topic seems to itch Lukáš. Other topics may not be 
of interest to him.

> What can you do with XML that we can't already do with the current 
> .pto format?

it's extensible without conflicts, and already that is a bonus. I'd like 
to add plenty of information to the project file, such as GPS 
coordinates, comments, RAW conversion settings, other workflow 
consideration, region of interest coordinates, tags, etc.

But I have not seen Lukáš mentioning any change to the PTO file format 
or the project file. Or am I misunderstanding?

> Abandoning 'make' is a mistake

Has anybody mentioned *abandoning*? XML usually comes in as an 
*additional* layer, not as a replacement. And it is a *descriptive* 
language, not a procedural one. It just makes some things more explicit, 
trading off readability for a little bit of disk space and processing time.

To my understanding XML2Make would still generate Makefiles. It could 
catch many of the hard edges that are currently causing errors and that 
give make a worse reputation (in the context of Hugin) than it deserve.


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