On Sun 08-Nov-2009 at 18:48 +0100, Erik Krause wrote:
>Orientation sensors cause more confusion than they solve. In a spherical
>  the up and down shot have a random orientation. You get mixed
>orientation then. And if you shoot RAW it's even worse. Some RAW
>converters rotate the image according to the orientation data, some
>don't. Could be some rotate and store the unmodified flag in the result

So the current Hugin behaviour of ignoring orientation metadata is 
probably the best option.

I just tried stitching a horizontal partial panorama taken in 
portrait orientation and Hugin indeed assumes it is a vertical 
panorama (which would be correct with different content).

>Alignment is automatic if I press "1. Load images". No need for an
>additional button in a straight forward workflow.

There is an 'automatically align images after loading' option, but 
this is disabled by default - It didn't seem like a good idea to 
configure Hugin so the first user experience was waiting for Align 
to finish.


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