On Sun 08-Nov-2009 at 19:27 +0100, Erik Krause wrote:
>Bruno Postle wrote:
>> There is an 'automatically align images after loading' option, but
>> this is disabled by default - It didn't seem like a good idea to
>> configure Hugin so the first user experience was waiting for Align
>> to finish.
>But that's what actually happens if I use the Assistant to load images.
>The first action is that hugin starts a CP finder which loads the images
>and tries to find control points. After that hugin loads and aligns the
>images and shows the result in the fast preview.

This may be a bug or something gone wrong.  If I 'Load defaults' in 
the Assistant preferences, I get 'automatically align images after 
loading' unselected.  If I delete my preferences file (unfortunately 
this isn't so easy on Windows) then it is unselected when I restart 

Does anyone else see aligning-on-load by default?


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