I'm running Hugin 2010.1.0.38ed0587798b on a Macintosh (Harry's build). The Mac is a G4 running OS X 10.5.8.

On the Stitching tab, I have UNCHECKED both "Use alternative Enblend program" and "Use alternative Enfuse program." My understanding it that this will cause Hugin to use the internal versions.

The "stitching" process runs to conclusion without revealing any errors.

Mind you, the problem isn't (yet) a failure to blend... it is a failure to keep images in three "layers" rather than break the project up into one "layer" per source image.

Exactly how does Hugin determine which images belong "together?" If it is the exposure value, how close to identical do these need to be?

Finally, can someone point me to documentation on stacks?



On Jul 21, 2010, at 5:13 AM, Nicolas Pelletier wrote:

When you run the stitching process, do you get any errors in the logging window? Or does it finish gracefully but without any blended images?

Also, can you confirm enblend is there and working?

Last but not least, what version of hugin exactly on what platform!



On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Eric O'Brien <eri...@extramonday.com> wrote: I'm trying to stitch a panorama made up of 3 exposure steps of 11 images (33 images total).

I have changed a number of things, but the output I keep getting is remapped *individual* images.

Output is set to "Blended panorama"

Things I have tried:

Add stacks. That is, put each set of three exposures into it's own stack.

Under Exposure fusion set
  Fused and blended panorama
  Blended and fused panorama
  Blended exposure layers

I always get individual images, not exposure layers or any flavor of "stitched" panorama.

Any ideas?


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