On Wed 21-Jul-2010 at 12:12 -0700, Eric O'Brien wrote:

Mind you, the problem isn't (yet) a failure to blend... it is a failure to keep images in three "layers" rather than break the project up into one "layer" per source image.

Exactly how does Hugin determine which images belong "together?" If it is the exposure value, how close to identical do these need to be?

0.5EV, but this only applies when you have chosen 'Blended and fused panorama'. At some point this needs to become configurable, but Hugin currently doesn't give any feedback as to where it thinks there are stacks and exposure layers.

Finally, can someone point me to documentation on stacks?

There is some here: http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Stitcher_tab#Exposure_fusion

..but there isn't anything yet on 'linked stacks', which is a new feature for 2010.2.0.


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