When building EnBlend for Ubuntu, I've noticed that it indicates Boost
as found and then not found.  There are other errors, but I believe they
are safe to ignore.  The boost error however I wasn't sure.  Checking
the dependencies, it appears boost is there, however I wonder if the
right boost package has been installed.

-- Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl
-- Could NOT find Boost
-- Could NOT find Boost
-- Boost_LIBRARIES = 
-- Boost filesystem library found:     
-- Boost system library found:         
-- Disabling Boost filesystem support
-- Boost was not found, but is helpfull to compile
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/include

-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for C++ include GLUT/glut.h - not found
-- Looking for C++ include OpenGL/glu.h - not found
-- Looking for C++ include OpenGL/gl.h - not found
-- Looking for C++ include windows.h - not found
-- Performing Test HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H - Failed

-- Boost_FOUND = FALSE


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