Specifically for the Ubuntu install a compilation of responses to return

OpenGL/gl.h, etc are for MacOSx binaries in the same way that windows.h
is for windows binaries.  Ubuntu uses GL/gl.h.  This info is refrenced

The Ubuntu build FAQ does not require freeglut* as a dependency during
build, as I suspect aptitude is taking care of it (however I do install
all the dependencies for the entire page [FreePV] at once before
building and now realize I'll need to step through each build
independently), pulling it in from another dependency for enblend,
specifically libglut3-dev

libboost-filesystem-dev was specifically needed to quiet the error
messages and for the enblend build to find boost.

On a side note, I located the option to pull in dependencies for each
*.deb in one of the CMake files (Hugin iirc).

There are inconsistencies in the CMAKE files that appear should have
been uniform for each one.  I'll address that in a separate e-mail.

In short, I'm only dealing with Ubuntu install, specifically the latest
release of ubuntu (which in this case is 10.04) as well as the latest
trunk for each binary (enblend, hugin, etc.).

On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 22:34 -0700, Tduell wrote:
> Hullo Dale,
> On Aug 31, 2:43 pm, Dale Beams <drbe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Needed libboost-filesystem-dev
> >
> > OpenGL/gl.h OpenGL/glu.h & OpenGL/glut.h are mac code, safe to ignore
> > like the windows.h
> Are you saying you are sure you can ignore...or hoping?
> My guess is that they probably are needed.
> Here, building for Fedora13, freeglut-devel is needed. Worth checking
> to see if there is an equivalent for Ubuntu.
> Cheers,
> Terry

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