I'm trying to build panoramas with multiple exposures (-2, 0, +2), but
the results (particularly the sky) are much too pale.  This is with
basically the 2010.3 release (maybe a few commits before, but nothing
in the hg log jumps out at me).

This seems to be happening at the very start; nona is producing very
pale sky (in particular) for all the exposures.  The high exposure is
basically white, the middle exposure is very pale, and the low
exposure is merely pale (the original images are fine).

I've experimented with changing the exposure on the nona command line;
I'm able to get darker skies that way.  But if I change the EV in
hugin, it gets propagated through to the pto file passed to nona, with
the result that nothing changes.

I must be missing something obvious here, but for the life of me I
can't figure out what it is...

Robert Krawitz                                     <r...@alum.mit.edu>

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