When I did research on copyright laws, (in reference to japanese
animation and fansubs) I located some international agreements that
would prohibit fansubs in the US even though copyright had not been
applied for, as they had been copyrighted in their own country.
Essentially fansubs are not legal in the US because of international
agreements and laws.  There are some companies now issuing cease and
desist orders for such fansubs in the US. The agreement essentially
stats that countries belonging to those particular agreements agree to
uphold and prosecute copyright etc. agreements.

In respect to patents, I suspect there is a similar agreement (trade,
patent, or otherwise).  Essentially such an agreement would most likely
fit any civilized country even the EU if such an agreement exists.

Copyright, patent, intellectual property, trade agreements, etc, weren't
meant to play nicely.

In truth, researching the entire pano thing, there are patents within
the US on computer generated panos, which would require any pano
stitcher to get a patent release.

I'd get a good definitive answer from a good lawyer.


On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 13:17 -0700, thePanz wrote:
> On Oct 22, 9:13 pm, Henk Tijdink <h.tijd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello All
> > Probably no patent issues because it is french webspace, because the
> > EU has other rules then the USA.
> If someone can confirm that in UE the SIFT patent isn't applicable I
> can put the binary on my webspace ( in Italy)
> Cheers

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