Greetings all, I'm new here.
This is all very interesting to me. My project at the moment is to
photograph the school where I work, parts of which can be seen here:
In front of the school is a strip of grass, then a narrow road, then a
thick row of trees. Photography involves a lot of tilting the camera at
very steep angles!

My best effort so far was to move along the building taking photos in
portrait format, 1 low and 1 high in each location. Hugin does avery good
job but gets defeated by the serious curves on the verticals. It also gets
very confused by the parts of the building that are invisible on one shot
but visible on the next.

I would be very grateful for any comments, suggestions or criticisms.

Thank you


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Bruno Postle <> wrote:

> On Wed 02-Nov-2011 at 11:47 +0500, Emad ud din Bhatt wrote:
>> can we use vertical line detector by Setting equirect pitch to 90 degree
>> and than call vertical line detector. Than set pano pitch to -90 and call
>> vertical line detector again?
> Yes (or roll), but you would have to manually change all the 'vertical
> control points' to 'horizontal'.
> This doesn't solve the fundamental problem: vertical lines are parallel,
> but horizontal lines generally are not - This is why horizontal control
> points have very limited use for levelling panoramas.
> The case of straightening an elevation of a building is an exception.  For
> this someone can write a switch for linefind that enables detection of
> horizontal lines in panoramas with FoV <180°, but it still shouldn't be the
> default in Hugin.
> --
> Bruno
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