On 11 September 2012 10:03, Rogier Wolff <rew-googlegro...@bitwizard.nl> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 04:09:50AM -0400, Bruno Postle wrote:
>> Sharpening doesn't survive remapping very well, so you should apply it to

> If my math intuition is good, the -0.5 2 -0.5 convolution is the
> inverse of 0,1,1,0. Such a convolution might be possible to build into
> the remapping operation to keep the images as sharp as the original.

Artificially 'sharpened' images are a special case, you don't find
this kind of data in 'normal' photos, these don't really suffer any
loss of focus in the standard remapping used by Hugin.


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