On Monday, August 1, 2022 at 6:54:46 AM UTC-4 davi...@gmail.com wrote:

> Where the camera has an advantage is that it knows precisely how the 
> sensor behaves, when and where it will create the most noise and what kind 
> of noise, maybe even detect different kinds of surfaces and apply different 
> noise reduction settings on different parts of a photo in order to preserve 
> more details when possible. But of course this all relies on the camera's 
> "AI" (I am not sure the word "AI" really applies here), the AI could guess 
> incorrectly, and the user could achieve a better result with enough 
> experience and time. 
> I wish I understood this stuff better.

What (if any) part of the jpg looking better is due to the lossy 
compression  of jpg actually improving quality?  Areas that should be 
smooth in color are smooth in jpg, but grainy looking when converting arw 
to tiff.  Edges that are sharp in jpg are fuzzy when converting arw to tiff.

The arw format as produced by my alpha 7 III camera is a fairly stupid 
lossy compression, using 8 bits per pixel.  It carries much better 
information than a simple 8 bits per pixel, but much less information than 
uncompressed would have.  Clearly, it had at least 11 bits per pixel (maybe 
more) before the lame compression.  I'd far rather have pictures take twice 
the space and not lose that.  But I'm pretty sure the alpha 7 has no such 

Likely the interpolation and noise reduction creating the image that feeds 
the jpg compression has the original (at least 11 bit per pixel) data, 
rather than the reconstruction of that data after lossy compression.  Maybe 
there is nothing one can do to the arw file that gets the interpolation and 
noise elimination as good as in the jpg, because you don't have the 
original data.  So you have a tradeoff of which information to lose when 
choosing jpg vs. arw, not an option to keep the maximum.

Sony's website tells you to use the ImagingEdge software they distribute to 
convert arw to tiff.  That does a slightly worse job than RawTherapee.  If 
knowledge of the characteristics of the sensor were the major difference, 
then ImagingEdge ought to do a better job.

For a tripod shot of a stationary target, the extra detail in dark areas in 
the arw format is such an advantage over jpg that arw is is clearly 
better.  For faster exposure, especially with a narrow aperture to increase 
depth of focus (forcing higher ISO), the garbage in the darker areas of the 
tiff outweigh the extra detail and the jpg is much better.  The exposure 
bracketing feature of this camera is garbage, so it is generally not the 
answer.  If I was just doing the images from tripod with decent lighting, 
even my own calls to libraw, that do a generally worse job than 
ImagingEdge, would be usable and better than just using the jpg.  

I also don't know what is lost (or gained) by delaying some of that 
processing until after stitching.  Since I don't know the concepts behind 
either better interpolation or noise reduction, I really have no clue what 
info is lost by delaying.  The gains might be more obvious:  Where 
stitching is making automatic decisions based on which image has an area of 
overlap "better", the noise reduction etc. is more likely to misguide it, 
vs choose the better before correcting.  Where the user must intervene to 
guide the process (such as in applying a different tone mapping by mask to 
different parts of the image) it may be much less work and avoid wasted 
effort if done after stitching.

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