*Sectarianism, Politics and Development*

* *


Uday Mehta

Ram Puniyani


There is no dearth of studies that seek to explain why and how the Sangh
Parivar could succeed in making deep inroads in the social, cultural,
administrative, judicial, economic and political set up in Gujarat,
extending its influence from urban to rural and tribal areas, and in
provoking a series of violent anti-dalit, OBC and especially
anti-minorities, disturbances culminating in the ghastly post-Godhra
genocide in 2002.  This volume is an attempt to analyse the emerging trends
in Gujarat’s society and polity in regional and national perspective.  For
the purpose of understanding the recent socio-political and economic
scenario it is imperative to study all the aspects of Gujaratand its

Gujarat has witnessed a reformist, revivalist trend in social, cultural and
religious spheres of civic society right from the mediaeval period.  Along
with the liberal, humanist trend represented by Narsingh Mehta, Akho,
Dalpatram, we find the revivalist current manifested among Dayaram,
Govardhanram Tripathy, and others. Narmad, who advocated social reform in
casteist Gujarat society, succumbed to the pressure of the dominant
conservative upper-caste lobby and retracted from his earlier position.

The impact of these factors on social and political scenario has been very
profound. Industrial and agrarian both policies need to be understood in
conjunction. The social groups, their affinity for particular politics and
their support to particular political party also emerge from the complex
dynamics of socio-economic aspirations. This in turn has an impact on the
weaker sections of society; their development, empowerment and social
situation. The politics dominated by sectarianism has tried to suppress the
rights of weaker sections of society. This volume of essays, especially
sponsored in the light of this theme cogently argues that the events of
2002 carnage were not a flash in the pan. Their foundations have been there
in the dynamics of development, which the state has been pursuing.



1.Gujarat: Making of a Hidu Rashtra: Uday Mehta

2. Gujarat Carnage 2002: Uday Mehta

*Development Model*

3. Development induced Ecological Impact: Anand Mazgaokar

4. Development Induced Agrarian Displacement: Lancy Lobo

5. Agrarian Struggle in Gujarat: Kiran Desai

*The Marginalized Sections*

6. Dalit Movement in Gujarat: Arjun Patel

7. Dalit Adivasis and Hindutva Politics: Ram Puniyani

8. Gender in Hindu Rashtra- Sherbani Bannerji

*State of Human Rights*

9. Minorities: A Struggle for Justice: Cedric Prakash

10.Some Paths to Forgiveness: Harsh Mander


Human Rights Violations; Case Studies; Girish Patel


Pages 294 HB Rs 825

Publication year 2012


 *Uday **Mehta*

Dr. Uday Mehta was Vice principal and Head of Department of Sociology in
the prestigious Mithibai College in Mumbai. He is a sociologist with broad
interdisciplinary background. He has made immense contribution in the field
of sociology through various of his books, which include, Agrarian
Strategies in India, State Secularism and Religion: Western and Indian
experience (edited with Asghar Ali Engineer), Modern God men in India, He
is also involved in various social movements like Housing Rights and
Preservation of Secular values in the country. He is currently involved in
the study of the phenomenon of God men and religiosity in Indian Society.

*Ram Puniyani*

Former Professor IIT Mumbai has been working for promotion of plural,
secular democratic values since 1992. Has been writing on these issues
regularly, also conducting workshops and delivering lectures on themes
related to threat of fundamentalism, communalism, and terrorism. He is
associated with Center for Study of Society and Secularism, Anhad and All
India Secular Forum. He is recipient of Indira Gandhi National Integration
Award 2006 and National Communal Harmony Award 2007. web site
www.pluralindia.com, contact ram.puniy...@gmail.com


Rawat Publications



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