On Sep 5, 2011, at 2:22 AM, Brice Goglin wrote:

> Samuel thinks we could stay with XML and reimplement our own
> parsing/dumping without libxml2.
> My feeling about this is:
> + We would have a single file format for import/export.
> + Saving would likely be easy (copy-paste from the current code and/or
> from the JSON export)
> - Parsing would require some work (the libxml2-based parser isn't easy
> to modify, but we could adapt the JSON parser)

Is there a way to make the parsing easier?  I.e., do we have to accept fully 
generic XML?  Or can we restrict it somehow such that the parsing becomes much 
more deterministic / simpler?

> - Encoding may be annoying. libxml2 does a lot of things to manage
> strings properly. There's not a lot of special character in a usual XML
> output, but there can be (because the user can annotate the objects).
> - I am a bit afraid that we would go from a well-working XML support to
> something much less reliable (do we need to be fully XML compliant so
> that external programs can load our XML files and play with them?)

A fair point.

Jeff Squyres
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