On 25/04/2012 16:55, Jeff Squyres wrote:
On Apr 25, 2012, at 10:48 AM, Samuel Thibault wrote:

FWIW: Having lstopo plugins for output would obviate the need for having two 
executable names.
Well, it seems overkill to me.  It makes sense to me to have both
xlstopo and lstopo.

Ick.  FWIW, I dislike having two executables.  I like having one executable 
that can adapt itself to whatever is loaded / available on the system.  :-)

But if I'm in the minority, no problem...

If I'm not, I can work on a patch to see if it would be horribly disruptive...

FWIW, the plugin question may come back within a couple month because we'll have an intern looking at managing all backends better inside the hwloc core.


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