On Jun 6, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Olivier Cessenat wrote:

> What you write is clear to computer scientists, but I failed to figure
> out what it meant. Sorry, it is clear now !

FWIW, there's a section about "output formats" in the hwloc-ls.1 man page.  
It's probably worth adding a sentence in there that the list in the man page 
applies to the filenames; i.e., that the filename determines the output format.

Here's a snipit from the man page:

       -      Send a text summary to stdout.

              Send a text summary to stdout.  It is effectively  the  same  as
              specifying "-".

              If the filename ends in ".txt", lstopo outputs an ASCII art rep-
              resentation of the map.

       -.txt  If the entire filename is "-.txt", lstopo outputs the same ASCII
              art  representation as other ".txt" filenames, but with two exe-
              ceptions: 1) the output is sent to stdout, and 2) if colors  are
              supported on the terminal, the ASCII art will be colorized.

              If  the filename ends in ".fig", lstopo outputs a representation
              of the map that can be loaded in Xfig.

              If the filename ends in ".pdf" and lstopo was compiled with  the
              proper  support, lstopo outputs a PDF representation of the map.

              If the filename ends in ".ps" and lstopo was compiled  with  the
              proper  support,  lstopo  outputs a Postscript representation of
              the map.

              If the filename ends in ".png" and lstopo was compiled with  the
              proper  support, lstopo outputs a PNG representation of the map.

              If the filename ends in ".svn" and lstopo was compiled with  the
              proper support, lstopo outputs an SVG representation of the map.

              If the filename ends in ".xml" and lstopo was compiled with  the
              proper support, lstopo outputs an XML representation of the map.
              It may be reused later, even on  another  machine,  with  lstopo
              --xml,   the   HWLOC_XMLFILE   environment   variable,   or  the
              hwloc_topology_set_xml() function.

       See the output of "lstopo --help" for a specific list of what graphical
       output formats are supported in your hwloc installation.

Jeff Squyres
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