I can arrange both BGQ Vesta access and the ability to get Linux-equipped BGQ 
nodes, ie basically IONs.

I'll send you details offline. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 25, 2014, at 2:55 AM, "Biddiscombe, John A." <biddi...@cscs.ch> wrote:
> Brice,
> Correct : The IO nodes are running a  full linux install (RHE 6.4) on the 
> same hardware as the CNK nodes.
> On vesta I do not have an account and I am not certain the IO nodes are 
> available for direct login. I’m using the BGQ at CSCS which is an EPFL 
> machine. The IO nodes are open for some special projects where we are trying 
> to customise the IO.
> JB
> From: Brice Goglin [mailto:brice.gog...@inria.fr] 
> Sent: 25 March 2014 08:43
> To: Hardware locality user list; Biddiscombe, John A.
> Subject: Re: [hwloc-users] BGQ question.
> Wait, I missed the "io node" part of your first mail. The bgq support is for 
> compute nodes running cnk. Are io nodes running linux on same hardware as the 
> compute nodes?
> I have an account on vesta. Where should I logon to have a look?
> Brice
> On 25 mars 2014 08:12:58 UTC+01:00, "Biddiscombe, John A." <biddi...@cscs.ch> 
> wrote:
> Brice,
> lstopo --whole-system
> gives the same output and setting env var BG_THREADMODEL=2 does not appear to 
> make any visible difference.
> my configure command for compiling hwloc had no special options,
> ./configure --prefix=/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/home/biddisco/apps/clang/hwloc-1.8.1
> should I rerun with something set?
> Thanks
> JB
> From: hwloc-users [mailto:hwloc-users-boun...@open-mpi.org] On Behalf Of 
> Brice Goglin
> Sent: 25 March 2014 08:04
> To: Hardware locality user list
> Subject: Re: [hwloc-users] BGQ question.
> Le 25/03/2014 07:51, Biddiscombe, John A. a écrit :
> I’m compiling hwloc using clang (bgclang++11 from ANL) to run on IO nodes af 
> a BGQ. It seems to have compiled ok, and when I run lstopo, I get an output 
> like this (below), which looks reasonable, but there are 15 sockets instead 
> of 16. I’m a little worried because the first time I compiled, I had problems 
> where apps would report an error from HWLOC on start and tell me to set 
> HWLOC_FORCE_BGQ=1. when I did set this env var, it would then report that 
> “topology became empty” and the app would segfault due to the unexpected 
> return from hwloc presumably.
> Can you give a bit more details on what you did there? I'd like to check if 
> that case should be better supported or not.
> I wiped everything and recompiled (not sure what I did differently), and now 
> it behaves more sensibly, but with 15 instead of 16 sockets.
> Should IO be worried?
> The topology detection is hardwired so you shouldn't worried on the hardware 
> side.
> The problem could be related to how you reserved resources before running 
> lstopo.
> Does lstopo --whole-system see more sockets?
> Does BG_THREADMODEL=2 help?
> Brice
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