On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:07:30 +0400, kmeaw wrote:
>hx4700 has two physically seperate FlashROM chips (each of 64Mb), so you
>have 128Mb FlashROM total. 

OK, I was misled by
which says (& mentions hx4700) ...
  H4xxx Quickspecs
    * HTC chip (HTC 30H88028-00 2226560XB101 JAPAN 0320EAI F0103ZAF) -
    * Flash: M-Systems MD3831-D32-V3-X (DiskOnChip Millennium Plus 32MB /
      Mobile DiskOnChip Plus 32MB) - NAND
    * Memory: Samsung 2 banks of 256Mbit (65MB total)K4S561633C-RL(N)

Is that wrong for the hx4700, or is the extra 64 MB in the HTC chip?

>WinCE needs ~50Mb for its kernel, services,
>drivers and applications, so there is ~80Mb available to user. Linux
>allows user to make use of 80478208+50331648=130,809,856 bytes of
>FlashROM. You can use /dev/mtdblock3 for anything you want. ...


Thanks, much enlightened,
Brian Keck
Hx4700-port mailing list

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