CIA Trained Pakistanis to Nab Terrorist But Military Coup Put an End to
1999 Plot

By Bob Woodward and Thomas E. Ricks

Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, October 3, 2001; Page A01

In 1999, the CIA secretly trained and equipped approximately 60
commandos from the Pakistani intelligence agency to enter Afghanistan
for the purpose of capturing or killing Osama bin Laden, according to
people familiar with the operation.

The operation was arranged by then-Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
and his chief of intelligence with the Clinton administration, which in
turn promised to lift sanctions on Pakistan and provide an economic aid
package. The plan was aborted later that year when Sharif was ousted in
a military coup.

The plan was set in motion less than 12 months after U.S. cruise missile
strikes against bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan that Clinton
administration officials believe narrowly missed hitting the exiled
Saudi militant. The clandestine operation was part of a more robust
effort by the United States to get bin Laden than has been previously
reported, including consideration of broader military action, such as
massive bombing raids and Special Forces assaults.

It is a record of missed opportunities that has provided President Bush
and his administration with some valuable lessons as well as a framework
for action as they draw up plans for their own war against bin Laden and
his al Qaeda network in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks on New
York and Washington.

The Pakistani commando team was up and running and ready to strike by
October 1999, a former official said. "It was an enterprise," the
official said. "It was proceeding." Still stung by their failure to get
bin Laden the previous year, Clinton officials were delighted at the
operation, which they believed provided a real opportunity to eliminate
bin Laden. "It was like Christmas," a source said.

The operation was aborted on Oct. 12, 1999, however, when Sharif was
overthrown in a military coup led by Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who refused
to continue the operation despite substantial efforts by the Clinton
administration to revive it.

Musharraf, now Pakistan's president, has emerged as a key ally in the
Bush administration's efforts to track down bin Laden and destroy his
terrorist network. The record of the CIA's aborted relationship with
Pakistan two years ago illustrates the value -- and the pitfalls -- of
such an alliance in targeting bin Laden.

Pakistan and its intelligence service have valuable information about
what is occurring inside Afghanistan, a country that remains closed to
most of the world. But a former U.S. official said joint operations with
the Pakistani service are always dicey, because the Taliban militia that
rules most of Afghanistan has penetrated Pakistani intelligence.

"You never know who you're dealing with," the former senior official
said. "You're always dealing with shadows."

'We Were at War'

In addition to the Pakistan operation, President Bill Clinton the year
before had approved additional covert action for the CIA to work with
groups inside Afghanistan and with other foreign intelligence services
to capture or kill bin Laden.

The most dramatic attempt to kill bin Laden occurred in August 1998,
when Clinton ordered a Tomahawk cruise missile attack on bin Laden's
suspected training camps in Afghanistan in response to the bombings of
U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

At the time, the Pentagon informed the president that far more ambitious
and riskier military actions could be undertaken, according to officials
involved in the decision. The options included a clandestine
helicopter-borne night assault with small U.S. special operations units;
a massive bombing raid on the southeastern Afghan city of Kandahar, the
spiritual home of the Taliban and a place frequently visited by bin
Laden and his followers; and a larger air- and sea-launched missile and
bombing raid on the bin Laden camps in eastern Afghanistan.

Clinton approved the cruise missile attack recommended by his advisers,
and on Aug. 20, 1998, 66 cruise missiles rained down on the training
camps. An additional 13 missiles were fired at a pharmaceutical plant in
Sudan that the Clinton administration believed was a chemical weapons
factory associated with bin Laden.

Clinton's decision to attack with unmanned Tomahawk cruise missiles
meant that no American lives were put in jeopardy. The decision was
supported by his top national security team, which included Secretary of
State Madeleine K. Albright, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and
national security adviser Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, officials said.

In the aftermath of last month's attacks on the United States, which the
Bush administration has tied to bin Laden, Clinton officials said their
decision not to take stronger and riskier action has taken on added
relevance. "I wish we'd recognized it then," that the United States was
at war with bin Laden, said a senior Defense official, "and started the
campaign then that we've started now. That's my main regret. In
hindsight, we were at war."

Outside experts are even more pointed. "I think that raid really helped
elevate bin Laden's reputation in a big way, building him up in the
Muslim world," said Harlan Ullman, a defense analyst at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank. "My sense
is that because the attack was so limited and incompetent, we turned
this guy into a folk hero."

Senior officials involved in the decision to limit the attack to
unmanned cruise missiles cite four concerns that in many ways are
similar to those the Bush administration is confronting now.

One was worry that the intelligence on bin Laden's whereabouts was
sketchy. Reports at the time said he was supposed to be at a gathering
of terrorists, perhaps 100 or more, but it was not clear how reliable
that information was. "There was little doubt there was going to be a
conference," a source said. "It was not certain that bin Laden would be
there, but it was thought to be the case." The source added, "It was all
driven by intelligence. . . . The intelligence turned out to be off."

A second concern was about killing innocent people, especially in
Kandahar, a city already devastated by the Soviet Union's 1979 invasion
of Afghanistan. Large loss of civilian life, the thinking went, could
have cost the United States the moral high ground in its efforts against
terrorism, especially in the Muslim world.

The risks of conducting a long-range helicopter assault, which would
require aerial refueling at night, were another factor. The helicopters
might have had to fly 900 miles, an official said. Administration
officials especially wanted to avoid a repeat of the disastrous 1980
Desert One operation to rescue American hostages in Iran. During that
operation, ordered by President Jimmy Carter, a refueling aircraft
collided with a helicopter in the Iranian desert, killing eight

A final element was the lack of permission for bombers to cross the
airspace of an adjoining nation, such as Pakistan, or for helicopters to
land at a staging ground on foreign soil. Since Sept. 11, Pakistan,
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have offered the United States use of bases
and airspace for any new strike against bin Laden.

Bin Laden, 44, a member of an extended wealthy Saudi family, was
expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991 and stripped of his citizenship three
years later. In early 1996, the CIA set up a special bin Laden unit,
largely because of evidence linking him to the 1993 bombing of the World
Trade Center. At the time, he was living in Sudan, but he was expelled
from that country in May 1996 after the CIA failed to persuade the
Saudis to accept a Sudanese offer to turn him over.

After his subsequent move to Afghanistan, bin Laden became a major focus
of U.S. military and intelligence efforts in February 1998, when he
issued a fatwa, or religious order, calling for the killing of
Americans. "That really got us spun up," recalled retired Marine Gen.
Anthony C. Zinni, who was then the chief of the Central Command, which
oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East and Central Asia.

When two truck bombs killed more than 200 people at the U.S. embassies
in Kenya and Tanzania in August of that year, and the U.S. government
developed evidence that bin Laden was behind both attacks, the question
was not whether the United States should counterattack, but how and
when. And when depended on information about his whereabouts. Two weeks
later, intelligence arrived in Washington indicating that bin Laden
would be attending a meeting in eastern Afghanistan. Much turned on the
quality of the intelligence provided by CIA Director George J. Tenet,
recalled a senior official who had firsthand knowledge of the
administration's debate on how to respond.

"Some days George was good," the official said, "but some days he was
not so good. One day he would be categorical and say this is the best we
will get . . . and then two days later or a week later, he would say he
was not so sure."

'It Was a Sustained Effort'

The quality of the intelligence behooved restraint in planning the raid.
Hitting bin Laden with a cruise missile "was a long shot, very iffy,"
recalled Zinni, the former Central Command chief. "The intelligence
wasn't that solid."

At the same time, new information surfaced suggesting that bin Laden
might be planning another major attack. Top Clinton officials felt it
was essential to act. At best, they calculated, bin Laden would be
killed. And at a minimum, he might be knocked off balance and forced to
devote more of his energy to hiding from U.S. forces.

"He felt he was safe in Afghanistan, in the mountains, inside landlocked
airspace," Zinni said. "So at least we could send the message that we
could reach him."

In all, 66 cruise missiles were launched from Navy ships in the Arabian
Sea off the coast of Pakistan into the camps in Afghanistan. Pakistan
had not been warned in advance, but Air Force Gen. Joseph Ralston, then
the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met with Pakistani
officials at the precise time of the launch to tell them of the
operation. He also assured them that Pakistan was not under surprise
attack from India, a potential misapprehension that could have led to

At least one missile lost power and crashed in Pakistan, but the rest
flew into Afghanistan and slammed into suspected terrorist training
camps outside Khost, a small town near the Afghan-Pakistani border. Most
of the cruise missiles were carrying loads of anti-personnel cluster
bomblets, with the intention of killing as many people as possible.
Reports from the scene were inconclusive. Most said that the raid killed
about 30 people, but not bin Laden.

Intelligence that reached top Clinton administration officials after the
raid said that bin Laden had left the camp two or three hours before the
missiles struck. Other reports said he might have left as many as 10 or
12 hours before they landed.

Sources in the U.S. military said the launch time was adjusted some to
coordinate it with the Sudan attack and to launch after sundown to
minimize detection of the missiles. This had the effect of delaying the
launch time by several hours. An earlier launch might have caught bin
Laden, two sources said.

Cohen came to suspect that bin Laden escaped because he was tipped off
that the strike was coming. Four days before the operation, the State
Department issued a public warning about a "very serious threat" and
ordered hundreds of nonessential U.S. personnel and dependents out of
Pakistan. Some U.S. officials believe word could have been passed to bin
Laden by the Taliban on a tip from Pakistani intelligence services.

Several other former officials disputed the notion of a security breach,
saying bin Laden had plenty of notice that the United States intended to

There also is dispute about the follow-up to the 1998 raid, specifically
about whether the Clinton administration, having tried and failed to
kill bin Laden, stopped paying attention.

There were attempts. Special Forces troops and helicopter gunships were
kept on alert in the region, ready to launch a raid if solid
intelligence pinpointed bin Laden's whereabouts. Also, twice in 1999,
information arrived indicating that bin Laden might possibly be in a
certain village in Afghanistan at a certain time, officials recalled.
There was discussion of destroying the village, but the intelligence was
not deemed credible enough to warrant the potential slaughter of

In addition, the CIA that year launched its clandestine operation with
Pakistani intelligence to train Pakistani commandos for operations
against bin Laden.

"It was a sustained effort," Cohen said recently. "There was not a week
that went by when the issue wasn't seriously addressed by the national
security team."

Berger said, "Al Qaeda and bin Laden were the number one security threat
to America after 1998. It was the highest priority, and a range of
appropriate actions were taken."

But never again did definitive information arrive that might have
permitted another attempt to get bin Laden, officials said.

"I can't tell you how many times we got a call saying, 'We have
information, and we have to hold a secret meeting about whether to
launch a military action,' " said Walter Slocombe, the former
undersecretary of defense for policy. "Maybe we were too cautious. I
don't think so."

Researcher Jeff Himmelman contributed to this report.

C 2001 The Washington Post Company


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