Hi Guys,


I've attached a patch against r864 that is a proof-of-concept for using poxml 
handle translations of the manual and tutorial.  Translations will then be kept 
in GNU gettext *.po files, which are update-able for incremental translations.

I've just discovered XLIFF, and am looking to see if it's a better solution... 
but I wanted to put this out there for discussion/review.


With our UI, we've had pretty good success (IMHO) using Qt's translation system 
to get various translations of the interface.  I think we have about 13 
translations of H2's interface (including english).

On the other hand, the *manual* has 5 translations and the tutorial has 3.  The 
process of updating the manual and keeping the translations updated is 
cumbersome, tedious, and error-prone.  The translations we have are not even 
synchronized -- and it's hard to know *how* out of date they are.

Therefore I propose we go to a translation system for the manuals, and I 
we use poxml from the KDE SDK. [1]  poxml breaks up DocBook XML documents and 
converts them to GNU gettext *.po files.  The PO files can be edited with any 
translation software that supports PO files (e.g. KBabel).

This requires using DocBook XML instead of DocBook SGML.  I could not find 
anything that worked with DocBook SGML.

I've attached a proof-of-concept patch... however, it's against rev 864.  (Just 
before any manual updates happened.)  To get HTML, do this:

    $ make manual.html manual.es.html manual.fr.html

(Don't just do 'make' or 'make all' because the other translations will fail.)

To see what happens when you update... make a small change to manual.docbook 
re-run the 'make manual.html manual.es.html manual.fr.html' and see what 

Plusses:  * Use DocBook XML instead of SGML (UTF-8 files, no more è
             or ü)
           * Translation process very similar to using Qt's Linguist
           * No more *manually* trying to synchronize the translations.

Minuses:  * Qt's Linguist doesn't support *.PO files... but there's several
             similar programs that do (e.g. KBabel).
           * The *.po files will have XML markup in them -- but they are
             not XML files.  So, output translations will need to be validated
             after every update.

Alternatives:  XLIFF is a good alternative, but I don't know of any full-stack 
F/OSS solutions for docbook -> xliff -> docbook.  However, Qt Linguist supports 
XLIFF, and it is inherently XML.


[1] I looked around, and not only is this a good option -- it looks like the 
*only* free option.  Other options include XLIFF or some special markup (ITS) 
provided by W3C.  However, poxml is the only full-stack solution I know of (so 

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