When you say "big picture mode", I understand what i3 calls fullscreen mode
Does it work for you simply to switch to full screen after game launch?

I think I remember seeing some hooks that permit you to match certain
actions to certain events.  I can't find the documentation now, but maybe
someone else can fill in.  So I think you can express "when this type of
window maps, I'd like this action (toggle fullscreen) to happen".  (Or
maybe I'm thinking of workspace assignment
and I'm wrong.)

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255    <-- only if I'm in the UK


On 5 September 2015 at 11:19, Liang Ying-Ruei <thumbd03...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I love i3 but this confuse me a while.
> I's possible to enter big picture mode with fullscreen enable, but
> after launching game i3 won't focus to the new window but stay.
> Is there any config or workaround that could provide the best
> experience for big picture mode on i3?
> --
> Work hard, but also play hard and have fun.

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