I've just looked in the `i3status` manual to see how to display the
free memory (as reported by `free`), and found no option.

I understand from the manual that computing the used memory is not
easy, but displaying the total used or free memory (both RAM and swap)
as reported by `free` is quite easy and useful.

My particular usecase is this:  I use quite a few of `tmpfs` instances
mounted for various development purposes, which consume quite a lot of
memory (in terms of GiB) and which spill over to swap (sometimes
leaving me without any memory RAM or swap), and I would like to easily
find out when I'm close to "out-of-memory".

Looking through the i3 mailing list archive I found other usecases of
such a feature:
* `[i3] memory information in i3status` from 1st of April 2015, which
talks about many processes chewing RAM;
* `[i3] memory display` from 15th November 2014, which talks about
image processing applications;

There even seems to be a rejected patch implementing this in `[i3]
[RFC] [PATCH] i3status: memory-stats` from 23th February 2012, or
`[i3] [PATCH] i3status: implements a memory-usage-print` from the same

Thus although the average desktop user never runs out of memory
(either he has enough these days or uses swap), there are people --
especially developers or those using memory intensive applications
like scientific or image processing -- that easily overrun both their
RAM an swap.  For example I have on my laptop 8 GiB RAM and a 32 GiB
swap, and I'm constantly running out of available memory due to the
mentioned `tmpfs` instances.


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