Hi All,

Well, my son, Chris, reminded me (by signing up) that I hadn't signed up to do 
a virtual session on the OLPC Contributors program for NECC "Unplugged" in late 
June. So...I just did!

I signed up to do a 30 minute session about the Contributors program in Virtual 
Room A on Tuesday June 30 from 11-11:30 am (EDT).  You can see my submission on 
their wiki at:


Some of you indicated you are interested in doing sessions about OLPC and about 
SoaS.  Now is the time to sign up, while the good time slots are still 
available!  Just go to the site, register, and add your information to the 
wiki.  BTW...their wiki is very easy to use, I think you will like it.

If you are going to actually be on-site at the NECC conference (it's in 
Washington DC), you can sign up for the Onsite-Main room.  I know some of you 
plan to attend and take XOs and Sugar Sticks. A session on Monday morning could 
get the interest going for any sandbox activities you plan for later in the 

While you are there, take a look at the sessions in the Onsite-Main room on 
Monday June 29 from 12:30-1 and 1-1:30 pm (EDT).  They are about Alternate 
Reality Gaming and my son, Chris, is presenting.  He wants to develop an ARG 
that can run in Sugar and on the XO, hopefully utilizing the mesh. It's not 
ready yet, though.

Email us all if and when one of you signs up to present.


P.S.  Don't worry if you don't know how to use the Eluminate virtual rooms.  
They will have some practice sessions and you can practice on your own by 
signing up for an Eluminate Virtual room at:


I know, it isn't FLOSS, but at least it meets the first criteria...Free.  And 
free is good!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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