Hi Caroline (also Walter, Mike, Luke, Kevin, and all other interested folks),

Yes, there are lots of nice slots for NECC "Unplugged" that are still open.  Go 
to :


When there, register so you can edit and put your presentations on the schedule 
(you'll love the editor...very easy to use).

On day one, Monday June 29, there are time slots all over the place.  I went 
for one in the middle of the day (on day 2) so it would be convenient no matter 
which time zone people were in.

You and Walter could put yours consecutively.  Perhaps in Virtual Room A  at a 
good time such as 11-11:30 and 11:30-12.  No one has signed up in any of the 
rooms at that time slot yet. Actually, the Main onsite room is open then, maybe 
the DC folks would like to take that one and you and Walter could do one in the 
afternoon.  There are lots of slots available (e.g. 1:30-2 and 2-2:30 ... right 
after Chris does his Alternate Reality Game sessions in the Onsite main room 
(BTW, he plans to eventually make versions of his game for the XO)

The DC folks should sign up for the Onsite Main Room.  There are lots of time 
slots there too.  It would be good for them to do theirs on day one so they can 
let attendees know about any "sandbox" activities and SoaS download sessions 
they might be running in the Open Source area.

There will be training sessions for learning to use Eluminate before the 
Conference and everyone can sign up for a 3-seat virtual room to try things 
out.  There are other live training sessions and a lot of resources on the 
Eluminate site.


I had another idea.  Maybe the DC folks could have colorful t-shirts that said 
"Ask me about Sugar" or something like that.  I'm sure someone can come up with 
a really clever saying for it. Is there any money to do something like that?

I think you all may get 2 or more copies...sorry!  Better multiples than none.

(Unofficial "official")

P.S. Below is the exchange Caroline and I had about the conference.  It also 
has some information you might need.

Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 15:52:07 -0400
Subject: Re: [IAEP] NECC Unplugged...Sign Up Now!
From: carol...@solutiongrove.com
To: cbige...@hotmail.com

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbige...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Caroline,

My thinking is that it would be great to have an intro early-on in the first 
day about OLPC and Sugar in general (someone is welcome to "borrow" a few of my 
CUE slides for that). Then soon after (also on the first day of the conference) 
something about the XOs, SoaS, and Sugar that will send folks to the "sandbox" 
in the open source area where they can play with XOs and maybe even download 
their own copies of SoaS. That presentation could be in the main "room" where 
"live" people could also attend.  If this happens on the first day, folks could 
have the whole conference to play.

Are there any slots open? 

I purposely put the the talk about the Contributors program later so folks who 
have seen the machines and software and want to get involved can find out how.

The presentations are limited to 30 minutes. Chris got around that by doing a 
part 1 and part 2 for his.  But short, narrow topics are probably best.
Ok so maybe Walter can do the first one and I can do the second one. I didn't 
see any good open time slots though :(

Another thought...maybe the DC club and some of the others who will be there 
physically could have some sort of t-shirt that says "Ask me about Sugar" among 
other things.

Yes, there will be an onsite contingent. Walter and I will not be there but 
Mike Lee and others will be. 

Will you and Walter physically be at the conference?  

My houseguests just left so I need to go out and tear out my cool season 
annuals and get the garden ready to leave it for 4 months since we will leave 
for MT in a few days.  I'm going to be swamped with packing and stuff but will 
check my email from time to time to see what is happening.

Some others who have expressed interest in participating include:

                    Kevin Cole (dc.l...@gmail.com), Mike Lee 
        Luke Faraone (l...@faraone.cc). I'll forward their emails.  Someone 
"official" could coordinate this to make the OLPC/Sugar presence really great.
You are official! :) 


Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 11:41:21 -0400

Subject: Re: [IAEP] NECC Unplugged...Sign Up Now!
From: solutiongr...@gmail.com
To: cbige...@hotmail.com

Hi Caryl,

I see you signed up to do one. What do you think is the right strategy? One 
presentation or a few with different focuses.  Do you think I should do one 
afterwards or later in the day on Sugar on a Stick?  Do we want Walter to do 
one too?

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbige...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

Well, my son, Chris, reminded me (by signing up) that I hadn't signed up to do 
a virtual session on the OLPC Contributors program for NECC "Unplugged" in late 
June. So...I just did!

I signed up to do a 30 minute session about the Contributors program in Virtual 
Room A on Tuesday June 30 from 11-11:30 am (EDT).  You can see my submission on 
their wiki at:


Some of you indicated you are interested in doing sessions about OLPC and about 
SoaS.  Now is the time to sign up, while the good time slots are still 
available!  Just go to the site, register, and add your information to the 
wiki.  BTW...their wiki is very easy to use, I think you will like it.

If you are going to actually be on-site at the NECC conference (it's in 
Washington DC), you can sign up for the Onsite-Main room.  I know some of you 
plan to attend and take XOs and Sugar Sticks. A session on Monday morning could 
get the interest going for any sandbox activities you plan for later in the 

While you are there, take a look at the sessions in the Onsite-Main room on 
Monday June 29 from 12:30-1 and 1-1:30 pm (EDT).  They are about Alternate 
Reality Gaming and my son, Chris, is presenting.  He wants to develop an ARG 
that can run in Sugar and on the XO, hopefully utilizing the mesh. It's not 
ready yet, though.

Email us all if and when one of you signs up to present.


P.S.  Don't worry if you don't know how to use the Eluminate virtual rooms.  
They will have some practice sessions and you can practice on your own by 
signing up for an Eluminate Virtual room at:


I know, it isn't FLOSS, but at least it meets the first criteria...Free.  And 
free is good!


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)



Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove

617-500-3488 - Office
505-213-3268 - Fax

Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove

617-500-3488 - Office
505-213-3268 - Fax
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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