Alan Jhonn,

> I never use the "share" button of the pages... Ever "copy and paste" the URL 
> in old mood...

Good advice.  However,  in some few cases I found that if you have a 
subscription to the publication and send the link to the page you are reading,  
the receiver cannot open that page.

> If SOPA win.. the Vatican would be an inputed by "copy copyright content" haha

I don´t think this is a laughing matter.  We adults,  are the role models for 
the youth.  Whether we are representatives of the Vatican,  or individuals,  
the message we should broadcast is that stealing is wrong.

Carlos Rabassa
Plan Ceibal Support Network
Montevideo, Uruguay

On Jan 11, 2012, at 5:22 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn wrote:

> > Lamentablemente parece que el artículo enviado directamente desde el diario 
> > no salió bien.
> I never use the "share" button of the pages... Ever "copy and paste" the URL 
> in old mood...
> > El tema central del artículo es la acusación de plagio recibida por el 
> > Vaticano por haber utilizado textos obtenidos de Wikipedia sin aclarar su 
> > origen, dando a entender que eran propios.
> If SOPA win.. the Vatican would be an inputed by "copy copyright content" haha
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